One of the sectors that is not being affected by the crisis, without a doubt is the advertising business, which we could say that is in full expansion for a very simple reason. When a business loses profitability or market, you need to invest in advertising. If you want to let you know, you need advertising. If you want to include new markets... advertising, if you want to get your best deals to a greater number of clients, advertising.
That's why all these companies that started in the intermediation of advertising, have managed to increase its profitability at amazing rates. Perhaps the two best known cases are Google, with its system of Adwords-Adsense advertising and its major rival, Groupon. The latter has had such success, that the giant Google wanted to buy it for more than 6,000 million (which is not little).
I would add, by the way, that Groupon is looking for cover 20 jobs in Spain. Here's the link if anyone is interested. Work: offers
As he was saying, the advertising-based business ideas are not at all complicated. You need only an advertiser client and someone to provide a space to advertise it, and may come at a price of intermediation to both.
You can start from something simple as advertising through door-to-door, where exists a latent demand from large areas especially, as you may have noticed when you open the mailbox of your home.
Charles denney gave us other business idea with advertising on the boxes of pizza, which you can see in the video for the article.
But where you are moving the "big business" is certainly on the network, and although there are several Giants and seems that they can't market to tí, quite the contrary, that the small can always offer something that may never offer such large computer companiesthat is personal or personalized, which although gradually are disappearing with the entry of internet, still appreciating ahead of automated systems and robotic Secretaries.
Another form of "live" advertising is making a newspaper or a local magazine. I don't know if you've seen in your city these free newspapers that leave you, as well, in the interior of these pages, there are ads and these ads are those that finance the newspaper.
Although it is much easier to do the newspaper and find them as clients, as well as to magazines of decoration or certain sectors. In this business, if you can capture a large customer (major accounts), the rest will follow as "sheep" who we are.
The business of the Millennium are not renewable, no alternative energy sources nor it is nanotechnology. The most profitable business is advertising, as those multi-million dollar companies will have to advertise on any site to be known. Advertising keeps television networks, football clubs, stations of radio, etc... It is about to get a piece of the pie and if that piece you can take it of cyber-space, better than better.
As you know, only you need a good idea innovadora. Once you have that, the rest is what so many times we have spoken, passion, a good business plan, a study of market and once discussed pros and cons, if you have located the rentabilidad and viability of the business projectput your soul in the attempt.
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