Until recently, no one gave importance to a listing of job which does not specify that it was directed for both sexes, a company of Seville was molested and threatened with a possible penalty of € 6,000 to seek "a programmer" and not "a / programmer to" that infringed cláramente against the law of the equality.
Now, the sanctioning should be punished, since them Yes that visibly threaten the equality act barring access to women to competitions contests to work in municipalities, as we see in the picture below taken from the website of the Junta de Andalucía.

Does that mean that only gives opportunities for women the Diputación of Málaga, which is the only one seeking architect technical?
In all other positions is denied access to women? Real are in favour of the equality act which are intended to report to the company that it breaks her being the first who are breaking them?
Where is the inspection of work in these cases? Where is the law of equality and rights of women's associations?
I know that this article or complaint does not leave a medium such as the country or the world, but not for that reason fail to expand this message until it reaches where have to arrive, since many people are tired of the collection at the expense of honest people and businesses who suffer harassment of these agencieswhich should be the first to give an example that rarely give.
I know that it will not punish the Junta de Andalucía by attacks against the Equality Act, but at least that they know that here "not us we chupamos finger"
Thank you all.
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